Coach Frank Carey Receives the Ferguson-O'Connell Award for Distinguished Service
Mass. Baseball Coaches Association
If you were going to create a "checklist" of all the accomplishments legendary North Reading High School baseball coach Frank Carey attained in his 47-year career — all at the same school – you would need a mighty long sheet of paper.
Coach Carey is the winningest high school baseball coach in Massachusetts history with a state record 736 victories from 1968 to his retirement in 2014. His Hornets teams were State Champions five times, one of the few, if any, coaches to achieve that feat. He is enshrined in the Massachusetts Baseball Coaches Association (MBCA) Hall of Fame anf has also attained honors nationally after his induction into the National Baseball Coaches Association (BCA) Hall of Fame as well as National Coach of the Year honors, both in 2012.
Off the field Coach Carey has also been a dynamo, particularly with his unmatched contributions to the MBCA as one of the original founders, Past President and driving force behind the establishment of the MBCA's Hall of Fame and annual Coaches' Clinic every January. For over 50 years, Coach Carey has made his mission to make sure that other coaches who deserve recognition receive it on Hall of Fame night and that all high school coaches statewide are afforded the ability to learn from the best national-level college and H.S. coaches and others at the annual instructional clinic.
We thank Coach Carey for his amazing level of accomplishment and true service to the MBCA and congratulate him as we bestow upon him our highest honor, the Ferguson-O'Connell Award for Distinguished Service.
FIELD GENERAL— Coach Frank Carey addresses the troops before one of the over 1,000 games he coached while leading the North Reading Hornets. Courtesy Photo
COACH CAREY'S JERSEY RETIRED-- The North Reading School Committee voted unanimously to retire longtime head baseball coach Frank Carey's jersey and number due to his illustrious career as the winningest coach in Massachusetts history. From left, former Supt. Jon Bernard, Coach Carey and former school board Chairman Jerry Venezia. The retired jersey and plaque is on permanent display outside the gymnasium at North Readng High School. Courtesy/Bob Turosz/North Reading Transcript
NATiONAL COACH OF THE YEAR— One of Coach Frank Carey's many honors was his selection as the National Coach of the Year by them National Baseball Coaches Association (BCA) for high school coaches in 2012. Courtesy/BCA
Mass. Baseball Coaches Association
If you were going to create a "checklist" of all the accomplishments legendary North Reading High School baseball coach Frank Carey attained in his 47-year career — all at the same school – you would need a mighty long sheet of paper.
Coach Carey is the winningest high school baseball coach in Massachusetts history with a state record 736 victories from 1968 to his retirement in 2014. His Hornets teams were State Champions five times, one of the few, if any, coaches to achieve that feat. He is enshrined in the Massachusetts Baseball Coaches Association (MBCA) Hall of Fame anf has also attained honors nationally after his induction into the National Baseball Coaches Association (BCA) Hall of Fame as well as National Coach of the Year honors, both in 2012.
Off the field Coach Carey has also been a dynamo, particularly with his unmatched contributions to the MBCA as one of the original founders, Past President and driving force behind the establishment of the MBCA's Hall of Fame and annual Coaches' Clinic every January. For over 50 years, Coach Carey has made his mission to make sure that other coaches who deserve recognition receive it on Hall of Fame night and that all high school coaches statewide are afforded the ability to learn from the best national-level college and H.S. coaches and others at the annual instructional clinic.
We thank Coach Carey for his amazing level of accomplishment and true service to the MBCA and congratulate him as we bestow upon him our highest honor, the Ferguson-O'Connell Award for Distinguished Service.
FIELD GENERAL— Coach Frank Carey addresses the troops before one of the over 1,000 games he coached while leading the North Reading Hornets. Courtesy Photo
COACH CAREY'S JERSEY RETIRED-- The North Reading School Committee voted unanimously to retire longtime head baseball coach Frank Carey's jersey and number due to his illustrious career as the winningest coach in Massachusetts history. From left, former Supt. Jon Bernard, Coach Carey and former school board Chairman Jerry Venezia. The retired jersey and plaque is on permanent display outside the gymnasium at North Readng High School. Courtesy/Bob Turosz/North Reading Transcript
NATiONAL COACH OF THE YEAR— One of Coach Frank Carey's many honors was his selection as the National Coach of the Year by them National Baseball Coaches Association (BCA) for high school coaches in 2012. Courtesy/BCA
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